понеділок, 26 жовтня 2015 р.

Salesforce: фіксаємо помилку "Current Company is not set"

Чудова стаття про те, як пофіксати помилку Current Company is not set.

Загалом під час тесту можуть траплятися дві помилки:

1. Current Company is not set.

2. This operation cannot be performed in multi-company mode

Загалом ці помилки залежать від кількості джанкшин-обджект рекордів між юзером і кода-компані. Якщо ці квері

[ select Id from c2g__codaUserCompany__c where c2g__User__c = :UserInfo.getUserId() ].size()
[ select Count(Id) from c2g__codaUserCompany__c where c2g__User__c = :UserInfo.getUserId() ]
повертають число 0, тоді маємо помилку "Current Company is not set", якщо вони повертають число, більше за одиницю, тоді маємо помилку "This operation cannot be performed in multi-company mode".

Щоб не було помилки, потрібно мати рівно один запис в базі даних для джанкшин-обджекта кода-юзер-компані c2g__codaUserCompany__c. Тому бажано мати @isTest(seeAllData=false), бо якщо поставити @isTest(seeAllData=true). можуть бути видимі записи, які існують на сендбоксі чи продакшині.

Ось код з оригінальної статті.

private class salesInvoiceTestClass {
 static testMethod void salesInvoiceTest() {
 Group testGroup = new Group(Name='test group', Type='Queue');
 insert testGroup;
 QueuesObject testQueue ; 
 System.runAs(new User(Id=UserInfo.getUserId())) {
     List<queuesobject >  listQueue = new List<queuesobject >();
   queuesobject q1 = new queuesobject (queueid=testGroup.id, sobjecttype='Case'); 
   queuesobject q2 = new queuesobject (queueid=testGroup.id,                                                                 sobjecttype='c2g__codaAccountingCurrency__c'); 
   queuesobject q3 = new queuesobject (queueid=testGroup.id,                                                                 sobjecttype='c2g__codaPurchaseInvoice__c'); 
   queuesobject q4 = new queuesobject (queueid=testGroup.id, sobjecttype='c2g__codaCompany__c'); 
   queuesobject q5 = new queuesobject (queueid=testGroup.id, sobjecttype='c2g__codaYear__c'); 
   queuesobject q6 = new queuesobject (queueid=testGroup.id, sobjecttype='c2g__codaInvoice__c'); 
   insert  listQueue;

   GroupMember GroupMemberObj = new GroupMember();
   GroupMemberObj.GroupId = testGroup.id;
   GroupMemberObj.UserOrGroupId = UserInfo.getUserId();
   insert GroupMemberObj;

 c2g__codaCompany__c company = new c2g__codaCompany__c();
 company.Name = 'Test Record';
 company.c2g__CashMatchingCurrencyMode__c = 'Test Account';
 company.c2g__YearEndMode__c = 'Test Code';
 company.c2g__ExternalId__c = 'ABCDE1234567876';
 company.c2g__LogoURL__c ='ww.XYZ.com';
 company.c2g__ECCountryCode__c = 'AE' ;
 company.c2g__VATRegistrationNumber__c = 'Test 222.222.222 TVA' ;
 company.c2g__Website__c = 'ww.xyz.com';
 company.c2g__Country__c ='US';
 company.ownerid = testGroup.Id;
 insert company;

 c2g__codaYear__c yr= new c2g__codaYear__c();
 yr.Name ='2015';
 yr.c2g__AutomaticPeriodList__c =  true;
 yr.c2g__OwnerCompany__c = company.id;
 yr.c2g__ExternalId__c = 'yzsd1234';
 yr.c2g__NumberOfPeriods__c =11;
 yr.c2g__StartDate__c =  system.today() - 10;
 yr.c2g__Status__c = 'Open';
 yr.c2g__PeriodCalculationBasis__c = '445';
 yr.c2g__YearEndMode__c = 'Full Accounting Code' ; 
 yr.c2g__UnitOfWork__c = 12;
 yr.ownerid = testGroup.Id;
 insert yr;

 c2g__codaPeriod__c prd = new c2g__codaPeriod__c();
 prd.Name ='Test2015';
 prd.c2g__ExternalId__c ='abdc12345';
 prd.c2g__StartDate__c = System.today()-10;
 prd.c2g__EndDate__c= System.today()+10;
 prd.c2g__OwnerCompany__c = company.id;
 prd.c2g__PeriodNumber__c ='123';
 prd.c2g__Description__c ='test Desc';
 prd.c2g__PeriodGroup__c = 'Q1';
 prd.c2g__PeriodNumber__c = '1';
 prd.c2g__YearName__c = yr.id;
 insert prd;

 c2g__codaUserCompany__c userCompany = new c2g__codaUserCompany__c();
 userCompany.c2g__Company__c =company.id;
 userCompany.c2g__User__c = userInfo.getUserId();
 userCompany.c2g__ExternalId__c = 'ABCDE1234567876';
 userCompany.c2g__UnitOfWork__c = 111 ;
 insert  userCompany;

 c2g__codaAccountingCurrency__c accCurrency = new c2g__codaAccountingCurrency__c();
 accCurrency.c2g__OwnerCompany__c = company.id;
 accCurrency.c2g__DecimalPlaces__c = 2;
 accCurrency.Name = 'AED';
 accCurrency.c2g__Dual__c = true ;
 accCurrency.ownerid = testGroup.Id;
 insert accCurrency;

 c2g__codaExchangeRate__c exchRate = new c2g__codaExchangeRate__c();
 exchRate.c2g__ExchangeRateCurrency__c = accCurrency.id;
 exchRate.c2g__OwnerCompany__c = company.id;
 exchRate.c2g__ExternalId__c ='12323232';
 exchRate.c2g__Rate__c =44.55;
 exchRate.c2g__StartDate__c = system.today()-10;
 exchRate.c2g__UnitOfWork__c =10;
 insert exchRate;       

 c2g__codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c GLAcc = new c2g__codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c();
 GLAcc.Name = 'Retained Earnings';
 GLAcc.c2g__BalanceSheet1__c ='Balance Sheet'; 
 GLAcc.c2g__ExternalId__c ='testID';
 GLAcc.c2g__ReportingCode__c = '1234567543333';
 GLAcc.c2g__UnitOfWork__c =123;
 GLAcc.c2g__TrialBalance1__c = 'Balance Sheet' ;
 GLAcc.c2g__Type__c = 'Balance Sheet' ;
 insert GLAcc;

 Account acc= new Account();
 acc.Name='Test Account';
 acc.c2g__CODAAccountsPayableControl__c = GLAcc.Id;
 insert acc;

 c2g__codaInvoice__c testInvoice = new c2g__codaInvoice__c();
 testInvoice.CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD'
 testInvoice.c2g__InvoiceDate__c = date.today().addDays(-7)
 testInvoice.c2g__DueDate__c = date.today().addDays(-7)
 testInvoice.c2g__Account__c = acc.Id
 testInvoice.c2g__OwnerCompany__c = company.id
 testInvoice.ownerid = testGroup.Id
 insert testInvoice;            

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